We are currently updating all our support videos following the recent major refresh of The Church Organiser look.  Some of the videos will still have the old look


The LED allows you to create Roles which can have access to certain modules, have admin privileges set for the LED and for the People module.  You can also control which areas of the Diary can be viewed and edited and which Settings will be available.  Once the Roles are set up, you can assign people to the Roles and they will automatically be given the privileges that go along with the role.


To create a new Role, or edit an existing one, you will need to go to Settings and click Roles.  You will see a list of all the roles that have already been created.


To add a new Role, click the ‘Add new role’ button at the top right of the page, give the Role a name and click the ‘Add Role’ button.  You will see your new Role appear in the list.


For churches that were using the Church of England’s Pastoral Services Diary, your data has been migrated across to the Life Events Diary and your roles created automatically.


For those who had access to all services and all permissions in the PSD, you will have been put into the Administrator role within your LED account. Administrators have access to every element of the LED including features new to the LED such as finance, service planner, branding and the communication suite.    For all other users that were migrated from your PSD account, a unique role will have been created for them with that person’s own permissions matching their previous PSD access.


To add the relevant permissions to your new Role, or to adjust an existing one, click the pencil icon on the right of the Role.


You will be able to edit the name of the role, if you need to, by changing the text in the ‘Name’ field.


The ‘Admin Group’ drop down will allow you to apply an Admin Group to the role.  Admin Groups are set up by going to Settings and clicking Admin Groups, which is covered in another video.  The Admin Groups control the access people will have to view and edit people’s information, in the People module.  They also control how the user will be able to communicate with people in the LED.


The Apps section allows you to control which Apps, within the LED, the Role will give access to.  If you want people in this Role to have access to all the apps, click the toggle switch next to ‘All’.  Otherwise, click the toggles next to the Apps you want to give access to.


Some of the Apps have additional privileges that can be set, so you can control how much access users will have within the App.  These can be set by clicking the cog next to the toggle for the app.  Currently, only the Settings and the LED Apps have additional settings.  For the Apps that don’t have any additional settings, clicking the cog will give you a message explaining what the app does.


Clicking the cog next to the Setting App will show you a list of all the Settings that are available.  If you want people in this Role to have access to all the Settings, click the toggle labelled ‘All’, at the top of the list.  If you need to limit the access to Settings, for this Role, simply click the toggles next to the Settings you wish to allow access to.


Clicking the cog next to the LED App will give you a list of all the locations that have been set up in your LED, the different service types that you are able to administer through the LED and the option to allow access to the ‘Print and Export’ button.  You can then decide which services this Role should have access to and, if you have more than one location, which locations this will apply to.


As you select the different service types, you will notice that more settings, for each service, become available below.  These additional settings allow you to decide which areas of each service this Role will be able to view and edit.  If you want the Role to be able to View or Edit everything, click the toggles at the top of the section, labelled ‘All’.  If you only wish to give access to certain areas of each service, click the relevant toggles below these.  To give the Role access to View only, click the first toggle.  If you want the Role to be able to View and Edit, click the second toggle.


Once all the permissions have been set, click the ‘Save All’ button, at the bottom, to save your Role.


You can assign people to a Role in two ways.  First, by going to Settings, clicking Roles and then clicking the ‘Manage People’ icon.  You can then start typing the person’s name in the search box and select them from the list that appears below.  You are able to add as many people as you need by typing their names.


The other way to assign someone to a Role is in the People module.  You will need to click People, either on the Dashboard or from the drop down.  Search for the person you wish to assign to the role, click their name in the list and click the ‘Edit’ button on their profile.  You can change the Role, directly below their image, by clicking the pencil icon.  You will then be able to select the relevant Role from the drop down menu.  Once you’ve selected the role, click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of their profile.


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