We are currently updating all our support videos following the recent major refresh of The Church Organiser look.  Some of the videos will still have the old look

Contacting People

The LED makes it easy for you to contact different groups of people from your database using the Communication Suite.

In the Communication Suite, you can choose to contact people by email, SMS, or by Letter.  You can also create a CSV Export which creates a spreadsheet file.  On the right of the Communication Suite, simply click the option you wish to use.

Selecting ‘Simple Email’ will allow you to create an email and add an attachment, which can be sent out to your contact group.

Selecting ‘Simple SMS’ will allow you to send a text message to the group.  There is a charge for sending SMS, but you will see a notification of how much you are going to be charged just below the message area.

Selecting ‘Letter’ will allow you to generate a printer friendly PDF file, which can be printed and sent by post.

You are able to personalise your Emails and Letters by using the ‘Tags’ button, at the top of the Communication Suite.  You can choose any of the tags, in the list, and the system will then replace the tag with the relevant information.  So, if you want to address each person by name, you can add the {firstName} tag.  When people receive the email the tag will be replaced with their first name.  If you include the {setPasswordLink} tag, recipients will receive a unique link that will allow them to create a new password which they can use to log in to iKnow.

To create a spreadsheet file, you will need to use the CSV Export option.  This will create a spreadsheet containing the contact details of the people in the group, which can then be used as you wish.

In all of the communication options, you can remove people from the contact list by clicking the red ‘x’ next to their name.


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