We are currently updating all our support videos following the recent major refresh of The Church Organiser look.  Some of the videos will still have the old look

Logging on and the Dashboard

When your LED account was set up, you should have received an email containing a link to the log in screen for your account.  Clicking the link will bring you to the log in screen where you can enter your username, which is your email address, and your password.


The first page you will see, when you log in, is the Dashboard.  From the Dashboard, you are able to access all areas of LED, using the icons at the top of the page, as well as being able to add new events,  get an overview of what events you have coming up, search for people and check any enquiries that people have sent, using the embeddable LED forms.


The buttons at the top of the Dashboard, give you a quick, easy way to add new events to your diary.  You can also use Print & Export to access the ‘Church Print Hub’ and export details of those involved in services, to a spreadsheet file.  You can also obtain the code to embed the various forms that are available.


Under ‘Upcoming Services’, you will see details of any services that have been added through LED.  Clicking on any of the services will allow you to see, and edit, the details of the service.


The ‘Calendar’ allows you to see, at a glance, which days of the month have events booked.  Each day that has an event booked will be highlighted with a blue circle, the more events happening on a particular day, the darker blue the circle will be.  You can see which events are happening by clicking the day, a list of events will appear below the calendar.  Clicking the name of any of the events will allow you to see and edit the details of the event.


‘Announce’ will keep you up to date with changes and updates to the LED.


Under ‘People’ you can search for people by first name or surname, and quickly see any events they are associated with, by clicking their name.  Clicking the name of the event will take you through to be able to see, and edit, the details of the event.


‘Enquiries’ will allow you to see any LED Enquiry Forms that have been completed.  Enquiry Forms can be embedded on your website and, when a form is completed and submitted, you will be able to see it under ‘Enquiries’.  Clicking the view icon, next to the form, will show you the details that have been completed and give you the option to ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ the enquiry.  Accepting the enquiry will, automatically add an event to the LED, which you can then update as necessary.  Rejecting the enquiry will remove it from the LED.


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