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Processes and My To Dos

LED contains a set of automated Processes that can remind you and your team to carry out certain tasks before, or after, an event.


For example, there is a Process for your Wedding services that includes a reminder to contact the couple to arrange a rehearsal prior to the event and a reminder to send an anniversary card on the couples’ first anniversary.


When you create a Banns, Baptism, Wedding or Funeral service, you will be able to see the process steps by clicking the ‘To-Do’ tab.  If you wish to alter the process for an individual service, click the ‘Edit’ button and click the pencil icon alongside the relevant step.  This will allow you to change who the task is assigned to, the name of the task and the date it is due to be triggered.  Once you’ve made your changes, click the ‘Save’ button.


To make global changes to Processes you will need to click Settings and then click Processes.


You will see 6 Processes for Banns, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Burials and Committals which are automatic Processes.  These Processes will be triggered automatically by the corresponding events, as they are added to your Life Events Diary.


You can edit the automatic processes by clicking the pencil icon alongside the Process name.  Changing the processes here will affect all the events already in your Life Events Diary and new events you add.


To add new steps, click the ‘Before Event’ or ‘After Event’ buttons and the new event will appear above, or below, the event, depending on the button you click.


When you add the step, you will need to give the step a name, add a message for the person who will be completing the step and set a delay.  If you don’t want a delay for this step, enter zero in the box labelled ‘Delay’ and select an option from the dropdown.  You will also need to assign the step to a person in your LED database.  You can do this by clicking the ‘Add Person’ link, you can then search for the person by starting to type the name.  You will see any matches listed below and can select the correct one by clicking it.


You can then select an existing template, or create a new one, for an email that can be sent to the people involved in the Life Event this Process is attached to, by clicking the ‘Template’ button.  To select a Template to be used for this step, click the Template name and it will be added to the step.  You can remove it by clicking the ‘x’ next to the name.


To edit an existing Template, before adding it to the step, click the pencil icon.  To create a new Template, click the ‘Add New’ button.


If you click the Toggle to allow ‘Process Stopping’, the person who that step has been assigned to will have the opportunity to terminate the process at that point.


Once all your steps have been created, click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the page, to save your changes.


You are also able to create your own Processes which can be triggered manually.


To create a Process, click the ‘New Process’ button, give the process a name and click the ‘Save’ button.  The new process will appear at the bottom of the list.  Click the pencil icon and you will be able to add your process steps in the same way as described for the automatic processes.  You are able to assign steps of a manual process to ‘Set to Manual’, this will allow you to choose who to assign the step to when you trigger the process.


If you add multiple steps, the steps that follow the first step will be triggered when the previous step is completed.  If you don’t want a step to be triggered immediately, you are able to add a delay.


To trigger your own Processes, go to People, find the person you wish to trigger the process for, click the ‘...process progress’ tab and select the relevant process from the dropdown menu.  You will then need to click the ‘Go Ahead’ button to confirm you wish the Process to start.  If you have assigned the step to ‘Set to Manual’ you will need to choose who the step will be assigned to before clicking ‘Go Ahead’.


If you want to see the progress of a particular process, you can click the View button, to the right of the process name.  Here you will see which steps, if any, have been completed, and by whom.  Any incomplete and overdue steps will also be shown here.  Clicking the ‘Completed Processes’ tab will show you details of any Processes that have been completed.


When a Process is triggered, the person who has been assigned to the first step will receive an email to let them know that they have a process step to complete.  You are also able to check if there any process steps assigned to you by looking at “My To Dos”.  You will find ‘My To Dos’ by clicking the LED icon, or selecting ‘Dashboard’ from the drop down menu.  ‘My To Dos’ is in the grey bar at the top of the page.  Clicking this will take you to your ‘My To Dos’ page and you can see any outstanding steps by clicking ‘My Outstanding To Dos’.  


You are able to add a note to the item, by clicking the ‘Add Note’ button.  This can be used for any additional information you wish to add.


If you complete a step, click the item and, in the window that opens, you will be able to mark the task as complete.  If any notes have been added, you will be able to see them here.  You can also add a note or contact the people involved in the event the task is attached to.  If you have added a template to the step, it will be used when you click the ‘Contact’ button.


If you chose to allow ‘Processing Stopping’ when you added this step, you will also see the ‘Stop this Process’ button.


When you mark a task as complete, it will be moved to your Completed To Dos.  If you want to check the steps you have completed, click ‘My Completed To Dos’.


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