We are currently updating all our support videos following the recent major refresh of The Church Organiser look.  Some of the videos will still have the old look



In the Ticketing module, select the relevant event and click the Options tab at the top of the screen.

Manual Registration

Manual Registration can be used if you want to take payment for events by cash or cheque. This means you can still add the sale to the system and have the tickets sent via email in the same way those buying online would. You can also use this if you would like people to be able to book in over the phone or if you are allowing the option of paying on the door but want to reserve a ticket for someone.

Click Manual Registration on the left hand side.  This opens a page with currently available tickets. You can choose Past, Current or Future tickets on the left hand side. Select the number of tickets required, click Place Order and then Proceed.

You will then need to complete any delegate questions for each ticket you are registering. If the order contains multiple tickets, and the contact information is the same for each ticket, you can click the 'Copy to Remaining Tickets' button to avoid completing the same information multiple times.

On the right hand side you need to choose the payment option for this order.  Take Payment will allow you to take payment using a debit or credit card.

Free Order means there will be no charge for the tickets.  This could be used when booking in team members to an event.

Payment Taken can be used if payment has been made by cash or cheque.

Payment on Door is used if you want to send a ticket to someone, but they need to pay on the door before they gain entry to the event.

You will get a message to let you know the order has been processed. You will then be taken back to the manual registration page so you can process any further orders.

Manual Registration Group

Manual Registration Group allows you to set up a group of people who will be notified, by email, each time a ticket for this event is ordered.  Click the Manual Registration Group button, on the left, search for the person you want to add to the group and click their name in the list that appears.  You can remove people from the Manual Registration Group by clicking the Remove button to the right of their name.

Map Delegates

Map Delegates is used to allow you to record the attendance of people, who have been Checked In, on their profile in the People module.  Their attendance will be recorded under the Attendance tab on their profile.

When you click the Map Delegates button, you will see a list of names of all the people that tickets have been ordered for, under Tickets on the left.  If iKnow finds people with matching names, already in the system, they will be listed on the right, under People.  If a ticket has more than one matching name, all matches will be shown.  To confirm a match, and map that delegate, click the tick.  If the match is incorrect, or you don’t want to map that particular delegate, click the cross.

If iKnow finds no matches, you will see a search bar which will allow you to search under a different name.  For example, if a ticket has been ordered under the name Bob Smith, but you know they are in iKnow as Robert Smith, you can search for the profile and map it.

When you perform the search, you will have 3 options.  You can select the person from the list of matches, if there are any.  There is the option to Create new person, or you can select the Do Not Map option.

Selecting a person from the list of matches will map the ticket to the person you select.

Selecting Create new person will add the person named on the ticket to Pending Adults in the the people module.  You can then update the profile with any additional information and Verify it so the person is now in your iKnow database.

Selecting Do Not Map will mean this ticket isn’t mapped to anyone in iKnow.

Contact Delegates

Clicking the Contact Delegates button will give you 2 options, Contact All Delegates or Contact Checked-In Delegates.  Clicking either of these options will take you to the Communication Suite where you can send an Email, an SMS or a Letter.  You’re also able to download a CSV with the contact information of the relevant people.

Contact All Delegates will allow you to contact everyone who has ordered a ticket, Contact Checked-In Delegates will allow you to contact anyone who has been checked in to the event using the mobile app.

Who’s Coming?

The Who’s Coming button downloads a CSV to your computer.  The CSV will include the details of everyone who has ordered a ticket, including the answers to any of the Delegate Questions that have been answered.

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